Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


It is fairly obvious that this is going downhill fast. Japan is the one of the only places left where you address another human with a greeting when you meet them. Being educated on how to interract with other humans should be first on the list when education starts. Putting a child into a school full of other children destroys this process as familiarity breeds contempt. At the moment we place our children in a building with 600 odd other children where they are stuck with each other for years.

Below is a passage from "MY UFO" chapter on education where it touches on this problem :

It has been calculated that an average child in a school in this era concentrates for about 10 minutes a day. This goes up depending on how good the school is. All that getting up early, driving to school, dodging the bullies, not getting the girl you like and the rest all adds up to a brain full of rubbish. At home, if the learning process means you concentrate for one hour, you have learnt 6 times more than at a current school, saved on exhaust emissions, had another hour in bed, not risked life and limb on our neolithic transport systems and the rest. Most importantly, you have not become a clone. Kids tend to want to be the same either to fit in, there is a craze or a fashion statement that has to be made or they do not want to be ridiculed for not being all of the above.


We are learning from the minute we are born. There exists an optimum time for learning each individual subject. By subject, I do not mean Maths, Physics, geography etc. but human interaction, manners, writing, work based studies for the job you want etc. The mistakes we are making are lumping all kids into one room and trying to teach them using one or two teachers. You never get all 30 odd children sitting bolt upright, silent and glued to their books especially these days where they know they cannot be hit. We were born with the pain thing built in to make sure we did not do dangerous things twice like burning your finger. You now know that item was hot so will not do it again. If it tickled you would keep doing it and ultimately mess up your finger. In the olden days if you did the slightest thing wrong you would be whipped until blood flowed. Lumping pupils together is a cheap way of teaching the masses quickly using one or two human teachers per class. The clever pupils are held up and the daft pupils do the holding.


Once a planet has a system of communication between individuals which includes data then this old school system should be scrapped. It cannot be scrapped in this age because the parents have to go out and get money so are at work. So we have to be at the stage where money has been scrapped also.


Then the system is simple. Kids have a mobile device allocated the day they are born and a code generated from their genes is input on the device while all witnesses are still present. On that device is the life of the person from the first recorded data being the weight of the baby to the treatment it has, inoculations given and in the school system all work and exams passed. The child can start the learning process when they are able and not at any fixed age. Passing one point in the teaching process triggers the giving of something the child wants. It could be anything they want like a toy, time on a gaming machine, sweets etc. This will be the only way they will get this stuff. We do it now. They can have an ice cream if they are good etc. I think I have already talked about human interaction. At this time, the child has to go to school whether it likes it or not and sit with the same people sometimes for years. You make friends and fall in and out of friendship, argue and the like. You meet people you hate and sometimes this escalates into confrontations later and even murder. It used to be that if you were a rival with someone you would exchange verbally across the street but the two rivals would be smiling and jokes would be accepted. Now you only have to stare at someone for too long for them to come back at 4am and kill you and your family. So, this can be averted with this method. Bullying scars for life and there is no escape, teachers trying to pretend it didn't happen, other kids threatening violence and hitting which seems to go un-punished in schools but is classed as assault in the real world? In most other worlds, interaction with other children is extremely important so has to be strictly controlled as follows : The child meets other children via their device and they meet up probably because they want to study together or have the same hobby. The "familiarity breeds contempt" saying comes in here. What normally happens when two kids meet is there is a period where they value each other. This then runs out and a period of them being not so friendly. As this starts to occur they are separated. Then the listening period starts. If the child is voicing that they want to see their friend again then another meeting is arranged. All the while you are correcting mistakes and teaching manners. This all only happens when they have learnt the section on their mobile devices about interaction with other humans. Using this method you cut out all the wasted time and grow a group of like minded friends. How to treat strangers is also as important. In this day and age if you say hello to a stranger this is classed as madness. The school thing comes back when they go on field trips to The Centres of Excellence for the subject they are on. Another point is that at our current schools the pupil does one hour of each subject and may cover several subjects in one day. Complete mistake. In other worlds, one subject is completed first. This way complete concentration is kept and not broken into pieces over several months. The memory system works on triggers and triggers on the same subject come a lot quicker than trying to align the memory each time you change subjects in one day. Also, some subjects are not required, others are taken up when you get a job requiring the subject. For instance, when someone is going to be a landscape gardener you do not make him or her learn Algebra but do give him a course on geometry. All children should learn their native tongue plus a world universal language. All languages should have their Centre of Excellence so as to keep the history for the future.


 The verbal or physical acts by bullies follows the victim and the bully into later life. Bullies have been killed up to 30 years later by their victims mainly because of the ability to find someone now on social websites. Changing from our age old school system to a home school system, this fear culture will be eliminated overnight, the need to be like other pupils will be gone, the need to dress like other pupils including money wasted on uniforms and most of all, swearing will be nipped at source. Swearing is a disease of the mind and those who do it are usually the types who are followers without a mind of their own and like being addicted they cannot stop and have to fill in the spaces in their sentence to make up for the slowness of producing the sentence in the first place. The first thing my daughter said when she came back from the first day at her Secondary School was that everyone seemed to swear including the teachers. If a child concentrates for one hour a day at home this will be the equivalent of two days at their school in the current system and that is biasing heavily towards this system we have. Some say its only 20 minutes. Mum or Dad can stay at home in the new system as the house, transport and food are free, to concentrate on their kids as I suspect anyone reading this will feel guilty because they work too much and have no time for children.