Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


We will let you be the judge here. From the same book :

You are not going to like this but I could not give a monkeys. Someone has to say it.


Basically, we have all been had. Religion, in any form, is a way of controlling huge numbers of people by using fear. Four or five thousand years ago (a split second by universe standards) religion didn't exist. This was news to me as I had been brought up thinking a single entity created the universe. It is all a load of rubbish. But I still can't knock it as in some religions and parts of the world, it has produced mostly better an more peaceful people by making them think they will go to hell or face death if they do anything wrong. The Jesus and God thing came to my mind as I had this drummed into me from an early age and this caused me to ask about this.


Very few beings have visited Earth as most is done by unmanned automatic probes. After a big bang, all material is moving outward. Planets form and are moving away from each other and eventually, the gap becomes too wide and visits become less frequent. Earth was visited lots over its lifetime of a few billion years and the last flurry of activity was timed for the advent of the thinking human. Up to this point, humans wanted food and to reproduce and didn't think of much more. As they became aware that if they could "move the bushes" to one area and forage without having to walk far they would do this. Planting crops came about. With a concentration of goodies all in one area came the need to protect the crops etc. from other settlements. War was born. Chimpanzees are beginning to attack other groups of Chimpanzees with sticks here now on Earth. One global catastrophe killed most plant life and humans were dying out until they realised they could eat the animals around them even though it was out of desperation. This is why we like a good steak. We were never designed by evolution to eat meat and were foragers eating fruit, nuts and berries.


As we already know, at the point humans had enough food and were content the thoughts go to what is around you. This happens to a certain extent today. Some countries have inhabitants fighting to get enough food and a roof over their head, which takes all their time and thought, whereas other countries have inhabitants who take these things for granted and their thoughts are now elsewhere on their hobbies etc. sipping Champagne and taking in a Theatre Production before eating a £100 gourmet meal in a French restaurant. We worshipped everything at some point. The sun, moon, dogs, water, the weather, volcanoes, fire, holes in the ground, gods of crops, gods of everything etc. or anything unusual.


A change came when a Mother ship was a way outside our solar system and its acquired knowledge using the universally available communication system talked about in this book, it could see that if there was not a course change on this backward inhabited planet we call Earth we would destroy ourselves so the ship set about growing some beings to plan a system to set us on the right course. The ships makers had long gone as they didn't make a "Life star" and their planet was destroyed and the population taken on by another planet. In this case the control system for this Mother ship was on a universally known control protocol and this took it over. The beings were grown over the last 40-50 years it took to reach the earth and because the inhabitants of Earth at this time were not believed to have any knowledge of space, the Mother ship went into orbit around the Earth. A probe almost identical to the one I was standing in took the beings to the surface. The beings had been genetically built to breathe our atmosphere but it was realised it may not convince all as the humans built looked like the last data collected on Earth humans taken when we were almost apes! So a human woman was impregnated and followed until it gave birth. We know this woman to be Mary and the baby was Jesus and it goes a long way to solving the immaculate conception thing! The Star of David was the Mother ship in orbit making sure Mary came to no harm and the three "kings" were the beings bringing things to make sure the baby had the best start in life. In history, it is a bit of a grey area as to where these Three Kings came from. Now you know. To cut a long story short, the baby grew to be Jesus who we know most certainly existed and we also know he went away for "40 days and 40 nights" where he was shown a screen similar to the one I was looking at and because he was a being of knowledge for that period in time (daft!), took quite a long time to show him how to set mankind on the best course. Once the probe was convinced he knew what to do he was released. The being who appeared to Jesus a few times was a being from the Mother ship and may well of had a beard and white cape (for instance!) so as to hide his ape like features! The beings and the Mother ship were then responsible for the various illusions required to make Jesus look gifted, magic, caring etc. so people would follow. This included doing cataract operations on the blind to look like they had regained their sight. The Mother ship left when it thought things were going well despite having to rescue him a few times etc. The Mother ship was to return within 1700 to 2000 years and this would be your "judgement day" where the "time machine" program on the main computer in a Mother ship can enter data for each particle present on a target planet, predict how it reacts with other particles then recreate the whole planet as a computer simulation. It is then possible to rewind the simulation from any vantage points on the target planet and see who did what etc. Each being that did something wrong would be punished but didn't say what this punishment was. Genetic modification was talked about. This is what we would probably call the Judgement day where all the nasty stuff is eliminated. If you read the chapter on death you will see the system that has been put in place naturally for us to be "punished" in our own judgement day the second we die. The Mother ship in our case had been reset to deal with planets that had a chance so didn't return to us and the 2000 year mark would have been perfect as this would have stemmed the sudden seriousness of religious intentions from some religions to still want to conquer the world for themselves. It was pointed out that successful nations like England who conquered and formed the Commonwealth, even if it had conquered the world, would have broken up eventually anyway. The Roman Empire failed and quite a few others. All Empires ever built anywhere in the universe have failed. The same with religions. Heres the theory. If you were to convince every person on the Earth to join your club and they all did and had no problems with it, you actually arrive at the same point where all beings are their own bosses anyway. Even the name of your Empire will fade because there is no other Empire there for you to have to use the name to differentiate between Empires! The Catholics are on a downward spiral with their Paedophilia and the Muslims are on the up and, I am told by the probe, will take over for a brief spell murdering all (if we do not challenge it) those who do not convert but will destroy themselves from within due to infighting. If we survive this and all other things we cannot control, you eventually get to the same place that most of the other advanced planets have arrived at and that is any inhabitant, being allowed anywhere, with the main identity of being a citizen of the Earth, who will say he or she was born in England and NOT "is a citizen" of England. When you try to isolate yourself from others, you become a target. When you gather resources for yourself, you become a bigger target and so on.


The Jesus and God thing did work and to this day produces people who are kind, good hearted, and have the interests of other humans as the most important thing. Just to cover a sensitive issue and I am going to come straight out with this, the probe states that there is no known superior being or a creator or evidence of one on the system and it has been universally known that from the smallest particle at the beginning of time to the best planet with content beings is a well trodden path and the process is no secret with the "chemical reaction" known fully. You do have "superior" beings that can help a developing planet on its way as in our case but these are genetically created by incoming probes / Mother ships and can take any form. We hear of giants, one eyed monsters etc. in mythology. Who knows where these came from.


Unfortunately, some rules that were OK 2000 years ago are not OK now but are still pursued. When I asked which ones I was shocked by the answers. I didn't know young boys still have all the loose skin chopped off their private parts in the name of religion. I assumed it was a medical thing. I asked what the skin was for and it is to facilitate entry during sex so the female internal skin is not pulled. Today, on the Internet, you can find testimonials from women who have had both saying the un-butchered one is better. Of course it is, it has been designed by evolution where the designs that didn't work were dropped by nature. I asked how this custom came about and why people would want to change something going against something they think their "God" created ? The custom stems from old men calling themselves Bishops and the like, wanting to become involved in little boys penises. And this is true today. In the Philippines, an un-butchered boy is made fun of. While there is still money around and if you have had your privates butchered then sue the knickers off all those responsible and for every penny. You will have had this done at an early age so you cannot possibly know which version is better and because you will never know the people responsible have robbed you of this choice. Sue the buggers. Apparently, little girls don't get off so lightly in Africa either. They have parts removed normally with a rusty razor blade, no anaesthetic either, then cannot ever experience orgasm because "It was to do with the Devil" etc, and then theres others which have parts sewn up only to be opened the day they have sex whereas it is sewn up again after. It was certainly "Earth bound" rules made up by very twisted "religious" beings many years ago who must have been ruling by fear. "Oh! Hello. I've come to chop the skin off your little boys penis." Not while I'm alive you don't. These practises are what outsiders look at when assessing how far we have to go to get out of our "Savages" phase and its rank in the table of requirements is just behind the limits of the monetary system and the splitting up of a planet into parts which are both considered backward in relation to what is out there.


Some religions say it is OK to throw stones at people who commit adultery. There is something called "Sharia Law" that some people think it is still OK to use even though it is 1000s of years out of date. These people are incredibly backward.


 We all love a good wedding but having one life partner is relatively new. Our brains work on patterns and there is a memory section which sorts the good patterns from the bad. A shapely woman is registered in the memory of all men in the good section high up with favourite foods etc. It was there in the instinct section but comes to the front when we are a certain age. If it did not we would not be here. A woman has the responsibility of making sure the man is good for providing food and is strong enough to defend her. So the shape stored in the womans memory under favourable shapes is the fit man with muscles showing driving a good car (has possessions)and living in a good house (somewhere to bring up babies). There is an automatic default here and the following example was shown. If a man and a woman are marooned in a spaceship or in our case, on a desert island they will eventually begin to like each other even if they are not the images they first had of their ideal partner. I can relate to this. I moved to Corfu with my Mother and Grandmother in the 70s. We were on a farm miles from anywhere and had one family as a neighbour. There was a plump completely simple Greek girl who was good at milking the goats but nothing else. After a few months of not seeing any other females, I began to like her. But back to the subject, humans will dump the marriage bond for quite a few reasons these days and the reasons seem to be becoming petty. The fear of what the church and local people would think of a separation has gone. There is an exception and that is when someone is regarded as what is now known as a soul mate. The method of finding your soul mate is covered in the chapter on happiness and the information system.


Marriage is quite a new thing also. Humans have had life partners as far back as time but this was due to nescesity. Signing a bit of paper keeping you together and all the stuff that goes with it is very new in relation to how long we have been here. We are held together by factors outside love so if the love goes out of the relationship then the couple have to stay together for lots of other reasons. Children's welfare, do not want to lose the house or other possessions etc. Well, the probe had a solution for this too. Unfortunately, all other things talked about here have to be in place first.


Tibetan Monks in solitary prayer, due to the power of the human brain, can create a "friend" who, although not visible, can take any form you like in their mind, say whatever the creator likes and do things the creator wants to see. Try it yourself. I have a blue eyed blond 6 foot Viking female sitting next to me and the first thing she did was remove all her clothes. Tibetan Monks also report these mind created friends can also turn nasty. If you tell interesting stories of a great being when all sat together in the right setting you will become a follower of this being and, like the created friend thing, have him watch over you in your mind. If he is portrayed to be good and the penalties for being bad are told also, you will not do anything wrong. This is how a group of people can create their "God". It can exist in your mind or the minds of like minded people but there isn't a bloke with a white beard sitting on a cloud which is probably why nobody else can see him.


The mention of a Judgement Day has a certain truth in it. The day you die and your last seconds of life is a seriously complicated time so look at the chapter on death for that. The second is the "central" computer, on deciding that things have become too messed up on a watched planet, will deploy a task force made up of suitable nearby ships. The target planet has to be worth saving and at the time I was talking to the probe, we were not. The ships in this task force, on their journey to the target planet, would have been sent the data collected on that planet which would have been run forward as a simulation to come to the conclusion where it had become necessary to intervene and would arrive a few hundred thousand years later. It would take control and while doing so, will realign the simulation to what has actually happened on that planet. If it is still needing help, the go-ahead will be given. Each thinking being on the planet will be interviewed and told their good deeds and bad a bit like at the point of death. All beings will be told about what their dead relatives did, good or bad, even back to the beginnings of the thinking being. If a bad deed was done to another person, both will be told and so on. This is not rigid as different planets require different systems. At the end of the "interview" process, those who were sufficiently bad will be punished. The planets simulation is so detailed it can be run forwards as well telling the system if a person is going to do anything wrong in the future.


Theres an interesting fact that when a system is as far advanced as this, no violence is required. The beings on a target planet can be totally controlled in a huge number of ways from being completely incapacitated to types of chemical changes to the instinct system. I asked what would happen if we needed help. For a start, this planet is not considered here to be on a course to ever even get to the stage where we require help anyway which was a bit worrying. The system would be as follows : The task force would "contaminate" the atmosphere with a chemical designed to change our instinct so that when we heard a particular sound, or other stimulus, we would "suddenly feel the need" to go to a certain area of the planet. This would work like heroin where if we didn't get to the place on the planet, the urge would get far worse like not getting your heroin fix. Once there your judgement is told to you and you will be genetically modified accordingly. I was overwhelmed with the different punishments for different crimes. One that stuck out was that if you committed the crime where you were responsible for the death of a fellow planet inhabitant, even if you were directed by others i.e. a Soldier being given the go ahead to kill an enemy by his government, the punishment was to be paralysed and fed the picture of the person(s) you killed along with moving images of every second of their funerals, family grieving and the relatives life after the death of their loved one. I think I mentioned before about the Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot I once knew who shot down one Messerchmitt 109. He was a hero in our eyes but in his own mind he could only think of the person who died in that plane. The huge impact on him when he saw a picture of the pilot and heard about the family was too much. My step father flew over Cologne in a Mosquito recon plane taking photos just after a firestorm had destroyed the whole city and even in his eighties cried when he talked about it. This was their judgement day. Every human being has one at death. Check out the chapter on death for more detail on how this works.


I had a ten minute wait for information on what to do to improve our chances of getting to a Judgement Day (scientific version) and beyond. It is possible to completely bypass the Judgement day process. The probe was sending and receiving vast amounts of information from the Mother ship parked behind the sun. Because it was not in direct line of sight, it was using other probes that had been sent to other planets in our solar system to relay the information. This was all by neutrino burst transmissions but luckily, a much faster version than the interplanetary transmitter. See chapter on the information system. Heres what came back :


If you are going to have a "religion" it must be based on your fellow planet inhabitant and not how to control him. Controlling Religions, especially by fear, are called a Cult. Your religion is your planet. This is your "God". It's what keeps you alive and allows you to live. Your "Devil" is anything bad that gets in the way of this goal. Full stop. If you have two religions there will be trouble at some point. Only believe in what you see. Do not listen to anyone else and certainly do not follow rules made up 2000 years ago to appease a twisted mind from that era. What is good is pretty obvious and you do not need a preacher to tell you.


From birth to maturity, the inhabitant should only be exposed to learning about the following :


Most important. How to react with and treat another inhabitant. This includes actual interaction and secondary interaction where it is all inhabitants duty to make sure all needs are fulfilled. i.e. if there is a shortage of a foodstuff then you go and help in that area. Your goal should be to leave every inhabitant you meet in a better mood, situation etc. than when you arrived. Whether you like it or not, your instinct as a human on this planet at this time, makes you feel good about yourself every time you do this. We are so far down the slippery slope of money and greed and selfishness that we have not been considered as survivors in the universe. I am not a Bible basher but I seem to remember Jesus disappearing for "40 days and 40 nights". This is how long it took to teach a normal carpenters son of the time (extremely simple) what is happening on planets far advanced from us that have made it and are likely to survive indefinitely. He "rose into the heavens" (pulled up by the probe there at the time) "God showed him the way" (the image on the screen in the probe was one that looked like a being of importance at the time). I asked if this image was in the memory and was instantly shown a bloke with a beard in a dress.


In the learning process, maths, History and all the rubbish we don't really need was not there. Maths in advanced planets just is not required as the planets systems take care of any mathematical stuff. These are considered pastimes and if you are interested in these subjects later on in life then you learn about them as a leisure activity. You need to be able to count obviously in order to ask for 3 or 4 of a food item etc.


Forcing your religion on your offspring is OUT. They may choose to study it later in life as a history based hobby but only if they want it, not when or if YOU the parent want. You should be teaching them to interact with all other humans and not be forcing them to join with groups of people who think other similar groups are inferior or even as in the cases recently, should all be killed. In an advanced society, especially one without money, nobody is forced to do ANYTHING. Chopping bits off your children is a savagery considered by watchers to have put us back 1000s of years. Tradition is not an excuse. Read about it in future years, yes, a bit like blood letting in past centuries and witch hunts etc.


 One thing the probe was able to calculate was what the famous figures in the world of religion would think of the situation now ? The Jesus's and Mohammet's and Deciple's etc were all jumping up and down, pulling their hair out shouting, "This is not what I meant, this is not what was supposed to happen!". God did not have a simulation because he was basically a monkey with a disguise at the time Jesus saw it as mentioned above. Allah was a fabricated "being" also to be used to control by fear. "Allah will get you if you don't act like I want you to!" etc. But as was said before, a big group of Muslims thinking of Allah as their hero / icon can create him as a "friend" in their individual minds, as used by the Tibetan Monks, and he will become very real and possibly the image you have created will appear at your point of death but it still will not be a real person meeting you as such but just the image you have stored like persons dieing that see their relatives. You will see the relative / person that is deepest and has the biggest "presence" in your mind at the time.


UPDATE 13 September 2015 :

It has been a bit of an eyeopener for some of our staff. It appears these have formed into two groups : The Scientists who became more suspicious as they gained more knowledge of what is really out there and the other group were all made of staff who led a sheltered life and had a religion stuffed down their throats from an early age. In our research we had a number of subjects who we should talk about :

 The Roman Catholic who was shown the latest copy of the bible to be found and thought to be the earliest. In it it says Jesus was not crucified. The subject became firstly unable to think straight and when it sank in, became angry that this had been twisted over time so now nobody knows the truth.

The Muslim who agreed to eat a small sliver of bacon in the name of science broke out in a sweat which was serious enough for us to bring in a Doctor who found nothing wrong. The problem seemed to be that the pig was brought up in mud and this is classed as dirty. It was pointed out that most of our food is grown this way and mushrooms are grown in animal dung !

IMPORTANT : The Project X stance on religion.

We all agree to this :

A Human should be allowed to practice whatever Religion they like anywhere in the world.

A Religion should be learned as and when the individual wants to learn it as a HISTORY subject.

No Religion should be forced on any other human or on any place.


These are great stories mainly preaching common sense. The fear factor in religion did do a good job in making people do anything their leaders wanted and this appears to have been exploited.

Science seems to have dismissed a few things religion has tried to instil on us :

It turns out the Earth is not flat.

Heaven is not above us but is anything we like.

Hell is not below us but is anything we do not like.