Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


As we see here on Earth, this does not work. You have rich countries where we think about what to buy next and what hobby we could do and what to collect. There are other countries where because the human was born there instead of a rich country, has to see her child die from lack of water. Here in England we waste a gallon brushing our teeth. Then you get the people in rich countries saying he / she was born here so deserve the best and people in poor countries trying to get to the rich countries yet we go to the poor countries on holiday ! Then there are the more sinister actions by big corporations who bribe the leaders of the poor countries to keep taking their resources. The leader is getting so much money they couldn't give two hoots about the people of that country and how poor they are and hungry and then when they rebel they are shot and the leaders rounded up and jailed by an army / police force bought with the rich leaders cash.


No Country system equals no Armies required (cold war / WW1 / WW2 etc would not happen, free to travel anywhere, resources belonging to the people, if you have to have a government then it can be centralised instead of 180 odd Governments all over the world all singing from different hymn sheets but stuck on the same globe, no inter country disputes, no customs, all areas become rich together or not at all, no countries based on religion (Gaza / Israel would not happen) you carry on thinking about all the things that would / would not happen while I concentrate on the next chapter.


Also think about the money spent on defence and looking after borders, passports and related documents, customs, putting up asylum seekers and the like. There has been enough money spent on border and defence related stuff to give everyone on the planet a million Dollars !


The above is from the book :


We have discussed this much over the last 20 years. Lots of Empires have been built but none have survived. The British Empire became unable to sustain itself and the peoples taken over were always going to want their country back. The EU with its free trade and passport free boundaries has worked to a certain extent. The countries have kept their names and peple say they were born in France rather than I am French. Be proud of where you were born OK but as soon as you say you were proud to be French then you are making out you are better than other people from other countries and you should have paid attention in history whilst at school.

All countries have done something bad which is not to be proud of. The Americans seem to be the last country to realize this. Not only are they all from other countries with only a small document saying otherwise but they have contributed to the most pollution and still will not sign any agreements, their justice system is not just except for those with money, Rothschild "owns" the federal reserve .... it is a mess.

Given time, or you could find this all out for yourselves, we will put here what each country has done to destroy us and they wonder why innocent people who probably do not know anything about the bad deeds their country has done to another suddenly wonders why they have been attacked by the people from the aggreived country.

It appears at first thought that we would be better off without the country system, but keep the names for those areas of the world, so we could all become equal :


No dictators.

No Corporate heavy handed influences.

We all become equal.

We are all allowed to roam anywhere we like.

A Human will not be killed because of the area they came from.


Think of the advantages for yourself.