Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


As you know, something is going to be the death of the Earth at some stage. Two of the things which destroy planets totally are a big asteroid large enough or heavy enough to knock the Earth out of its orbit. The second is when the sun cools and becomes much bigger eventually frying us. We would have had to have moved before then. Information ending up on planets computers talk of a "Life Star". This is my name for it as it looks like the Death Star in Star Wars. Two things need to happen. We need to stabilise our population and reduce it as much as possible. This will be done naturally over time. The other is to build the escape "Life Star" itself. In our current system with money this will be impossible. The blueprints for a "Life Star" I saw was of large building blocks, slightly curved, that made a round total system. If a block was hit by something it would be moved about like the puzzles you see where you have to re-arrange squares to make the picture, and then taken into the depths of the "Life Star" to be fixed. The modules were all self-sufficient and could be sealed off from one another. Back to nature again with a cellular structure. All blocks had acommodation, entertainment and food growing "fields" and worked much like the Earth itself.

The "Life Star" has one use only and that is to travel to another planet with all occupants intact. It is not good for long term travel. Long term Motherships travel for thousands of years in absolute zero with no power left and have to approach a sun to re-awaken the systems. Sustaining life on one of these is mostly impossible although some beings have actually evolved on some of the older ones that have missed a sanitization docking from another ship.