Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


Here on Earth we have got it wrong. The idea is to have everything done so we can sit back and enjoy ourselves. Currently, we get up too early, have a rushed breakfast, get the kids ready to go to school (out into the cold, brave busses, traffic, abduction threats etc., to a nasty building, mixing with kids we want to but also with ones we don't, get bullied, become a clone of all the other children etc,) then we rush to work all at the same time causing pollution and chaos, get into work and probably do not want to be there, have bosses that push you to breaking point and pay you not enough, then the Government steps in and takes a huge chunk of your wages (and then take more when you buy petrol (over 60%), car, insurance, food, clothes and everything else) and you get home tired then argue with the wife and kids because you are all tired and it goes on.


In other worlds, the roof over your head and the food you need are free and a right for you to have it because you were born on that planet and the resources are partly owned by you because of this. Also, on most planets the transport system is free and your buggy comes with the free house. So you can get up when you like, eat (some planets provide the most wholesome foods and the Centres of Excellence provide the luxury food, others are all take away with central eating or delivery.) watch vision related entertainment or listen to sound related entertainment. Then if you go out, your buggy will take you anywhere free.


  To go to a Centre of Excellence to pursue a hobby / eat good food etc. you have to provide a service to the planet. Here we call this a job. On most planets a being never stops learning. Here on Earth, we used to stop learning at 18 ish and then go to work. Here on Earth you can now go back to university etc. so we are trying. The problem is with our system one can only learn at the same pace as everyone else or if you are particularly stupid, will hold up the rest of the class. On the mobile device everyone seems to have on other planets, ours are still Stone age by comparison, you can learn anything. So you can do what you like and not be stuck with a course because that was the only one with places left on it. You can also do it at your speed be it 3 weeks or 3 years. As you pass the levels in your chosen course you also up your percentage closer to going to your chosen Centre of Excellence. Once you have passed the course, jobs automatically start coming in to your mobile device, you may find yourself turning up with a seasoned being to guide you through your first jobs and this is inbuilt into the system. You would have had practicals at the Centre of Excellence for that trade also. You do the job then video or photograph it which automatically goes onto the employment part of the system. Once on the system, the person who you did the job for rates you and the work along with anonymous people now unable to do this work who are stuck at home / disabled people who have been in that trade or have shown great knowledge of it. You are then pushed up the "ladder" to your goal which is going to your Centre of Excellence. The beings I was seeing on the screen that the probe decided were similar to us showed them going on "holiday" sometimes twice a week! I want some of that! This system does away with Pensions (people are able to do something), retirement (no such thing), bad workmanship ? Bad job equals no more jobs sent to you. But remember bad jobs are usually down to limited money anyway and this is eliminated with the throwing out of the monetary system. You will not get picked for that job again, or will not be the first to be picked until you go back to the Centre of Excellence and practice. Rip-off workman no longer exist as there is no money to be taken / no rewards if the job is not done, no people not being able to afford the work etc. you just log the job on the system and rate it when it is finished, no boss will be pushing you (normally because he has to make money which no longer exists, you are your own boss, no firms to go bust, all the best tools provided by the Centre of Excellence, no paperwork or taxes to pay which seems is the biggest problem here when starting a business, I could go on forever at the muck that is cut out with this system. All beings work alone and for themselves. If there is a job involving several different people then each task is placed on the mobile device of the qualified person. If you were shown to be particularly good at one part of your job and had a high ranking from last jobs, you will get offered that bit.


As the planet gets more perfect there will be less jobs so the system automatically lowers what you have to do to get to your Centre of Excellence. You may only have to do two jobs a week. Planets I was shown where the abodes are underground had obviously no maintenance related to ageing and weather, this is one of the biggest problems on our planet. Something needs doing on the house we have to find the money, get the builder, then as soon as the job is done it starts to deteriorate from day one. The underground house only needs maybe a change of interior colour every now and again. I owned an underground ROC Bunker once at March in Cambridgeshire and went to preserve it but when I got there and opened it there was nothing to do except paint it inside. On the hot days it was cool and on cold days it was cooler but not as cold as outside. A candle burning actually made a difference to the temperature and three candles provided enough heat. In my first experiments there and about the same time as flat screen TVs came onto the market, I set up a camera looking across the fields and fed the signal into the TV and sat there a while at the table and it was just like having a window but without the drop in temperature. With todays 4K ultra HD TVs and matching cameras there would be hardly any difference. The TVs power supply provided enough heat to keep the bunker warm.


Jobs will be higher rated if they are emergencies and need doing fast and also if they have been offered on the system for a while with no takers. All those who have passed first aid would be given a complete kit ready for their job and if someone logs on a medical emergency then all first aiders in that area will get the alert on their mobile device.