Project X. Our World System.

Project No. PX0076.


Text from the Dating Chapter in the book "My UFO" :

This is key to a beings happiness and cuts out a lot of other nasty things we would not think of. Here, we go about life hoping to meet the "one" and after years of looking we settle with someone who is a compromise due to time. Some go to bars and although people are content with their partner are they sure they have their soul mate ?


Other planets similar to ours have a system based on elements of what we do here but leave nothing to chance and no stone unturned. The resulting couple usually stay together forever. Heres how. When a being reaches a certain age their mobile device flags up all perfect matches to what is registered on your mobile device. It shows those compatible in your area and in the whole world so you can assess if it is worth moving. Moving here and now on this planet is a big problem due to money, job, friends and the like. This has all been eliminated in other words and you can move on a whim taking your whole abode "lining" with you. See chapter on abodes. You correspond with these for a set period where it is then OK to meet. Meeting includes living together if you both agree. At a set time you have to become dedicated. This is not usually a problem because the system gave you the match based on every person on the globe. This match was based on everything. All history on the mobile device so if you both went to a Music based Centre of Excellence this would be a factor, you would have put in what body type down to the finest detail, what looks you want, what hobbies, what music, what types of entertainment, what you do for relaxation, food preferences, and all the usual stuff like perfect height, weight, colour, hair, eyes etc. Here, if we had the system, the choice would be from Billions of people and the chance of getting the right one is maximised. The other thing dating sites here have tried is what type of relationship we want. So included in the preferences should be if you want a lifetime partner, one night stand, one week, one month and one planet has a "Honeymoon period" where a couple go their separate ways when this period ends and then go for another person who wants the honeymoon feeling and no more. At the moment here there are many different dating sites, charging a fortune, matching you to someone who likes "Walks on the beach" and that is it. It is all hit and miss.


I say above about body type down to the finest detail and I mean it. Some other worlds use body parts as a lure to the opposite sex to do what is necessary to promote the species. Here on Earth it is a fit body, good looks and sometimes penis size for women and for men, breast size, body shape, looks etc. These are guessable here but on the dating system could make all the difference to a mate being perfect and therefore less reason to become detached. Things like breast size, shape and nipple type being one. Penis shape, colour and type could make a slight difference to a woman. Long legs, short legs, teeth etc. I have heard there are some men who like the crooked teeth look some girls have in the far east. Some like the slight cross eyedness of some Chinese women. Everything and every slight detail has to be included to nudge forwards to that goal of the population being happy. When this happens, rape, paedophilia and a whole host of other stuff disappears. I am not suggesting that some girls may like to re-enact rape but in a survey I saw on the Internet in the 90s it came close to the top of a poll on girls fantasies. I suggest it goes in the category section of what type of relationship you want ! This cuts out completely or virtually eliminates the rape by someone totally unknown as you have arranged it previously. Fantasy should be included as this seems to prolong relationships also. The fantasy that sticks out in my mind was a friend of mine who built a bar at his house and the bar was strangely mounted on a wooden floor boarded stage which had sound holes cut out of the step up. This boomed when you stood on it. One night when he was drunk he confessed that he was extremely turned on by the sound of a womans high heels on the stage moving about while he was making love to her. The rustling sound of her dress moving was another.


A Human here has the strange ability to move "down the ladder" whereas on not being able to get the top being of their dreams, after time resort to the next best thing and so on until they reach the bottom. This is inbuilt to carry on the human race and leave nothing to chance. The bottom is rape and paedophilia. Because you could not convince a member of the opposite sex to be with you the human will resort to controlling something they can control normally using strength. There is no need to get to that point in the planetary system as a partner is always found. If no exact matches were on the system just expand to global search or take off the least important trait.