The Lawful Rebellion Group.

Thanks to Project X for allowing us webspace for this project. It does not have a Project number as such but

the four of us have been given Project X personnel numbers as follows :

PX000701 thru 704.

History has shown that those with money can arrange for anyone upsetting their apple cart to have an unexplained accident ! So the four will remain anonymous.

This section will deal with the UK running out of cash.

Slogan will be "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".

This first Meme will be trialled on Facebook somewhere around June 2017 :


Nothing spectacular as we are finance people and not graphic designers !


In the 70s, everyone did well. ONE parent went to work whilst the other feathered the nest and brought up children. As we were taxed more and were paid less and things we bought became more expensive, things became tougher. The Access card came about so we could borrow more than we had. Bankers obviously want to do better and so brought out a lot more products and gave us more money they didn't have. We have seen the results. To cut a long story short they have schemed to give us the chances to borrow cash at much higher interest rates by lending to loan shark companies who charge thousands of percent interest. With not much left to glean from us, we now come to the stealth taxes, pension release where you can take out cash you had put by for your retirement, equity release (currently 12 times more interest than the base rate) where you can borrow money and pay it back using your house. This is the final possible scheme they can do. There will be no money left. People are defaulting on their finance at an alarming rate and suffering Bailiffs and Court Officials appearing and taking whatever they like and giving you next to nothing for it. This is the final way of taking assets from us as you will have nothing left.

So, we worked out that if the UK has not broken down before, we have set a date where we think things will come to a head. Look at what has already happened :

The Banks ran out of money. The Government bailed them out using OUR tax money. Iceland Jailed all its bankers for a lesser felony. It is now known that members of the UK Government were good friends with the bankers ! That same year, the Banks paid its staff record bonusses and still do to this day.

We had AUSTERITY placed on us even though it was not our fault ! We now know this was rubbish and was placed there to make sure the Government and the Banks and all those who finance it / them stayed with the level of cash they were used to. Rich people we have been asking over 8 years say they noticed a slight downturn for 6 months or so but were soon back to full steam ! Evidence of this reared its ugly head with the MPs pay rises, massive expenses claims, tax money going to do up palaces also giving the Royal Family a 100% wage rise ! The list is endless. Also, all your favourite corporation bosses paid themselves massive salaries as again, the Govt. is mates with them all.

Shares. Theres a laugh. If you buy shares and do not have a broker to trade them, your cash disappears. This was another way of lawfully grabbing your savings !

WE are still suffering with NHS cuts and privatisation again to MPs with interests in companies grabbing the contracts. The NHS has been sabotaged on purpose to make us think it is not viable as a public run system. Public services have been cut and more cuts follow. The DWP is really taking the mickey and people who paid into it for years are being refused their money back by private contracted companies who use the most stupid excuses to not allow you benefits just to get results as they are paid by results and not by people seen.

Cash leaving the UK never to return is another problem which is destroying us. Offshore and Swiss banks are being used to ferret away vast sums to avoid paying tax and for foreign investment. How many people in the UK send money back to families abroad ? Very noble of them but no good for the overall economy of the UK.

A RESET back to ZERO OWED will solve the whole problem. The only people to suffer will be the banks who ripped us off in the first place and continue to do so because those in power are their mates or have a vested interest in keeping them going. They just used OUR MONEY to give them so as to stop them going bust. These are pretty much owned by a few families who will never want for anything anyway.

If all citizens stop paying payments to mortgages, credit cards, loans, loan sharks, equity release and everything on the set date then there will be a resistance by the current system being the band of employees above the people but below the government who choose to confront their fellow human beings over non-payment of money to the rich. These are The Zombies. They have been brainwashed to appear in front of other humans and try to take their belongings. They do The Governments bidding and do not seem to care.

Our system is, when you get your final letter saying the date they are coming for you, there will be many letters before, tell the population. All those that are free should then turn up and resist The Zombie (s) and send them back to wherever they came from. A while ago, a village would have "tarred and feathered" them. This was where they covered the Invader in tar and rolled them in feathers before running them out of the village. Today we have superglue.

According to the laws of rebellion, enough people resisting will force a Government to act. Do nothing and you can expect more schemes to take your money and items from you.

If you are someone in Government in charge of money or loan repayments, instruct your staff to stop all repayments. You will see the benefits immediately as you again will be able to afford the employees and schemes you want to do to benefit the population. Heres the worst thing. The Government has given its mates tax breaks which now total many times more than we need to right the economy.

They are giving our money to their mates !!