German Section Introduction Page.

The German Section at Bletchley Park originated from the need for an Enemy for the big American and British units, based at The Park, to battle against at the show day re-enactments. Originally based in a room in The Mansion which was really just a store room and using East German uniforms and wellingtons for Jack boots !  The unit soon acquired a small room in the now derelict Faulkner House and was by this time headed by our last leader Tony Argent. The room soon became too small as we bought more items and also the uniforms were more authentic being made from converted Swedish Army Jackets and trousers. The unit then moved into a larger room along the corridor and soon our first real showcases were built and quickly filled. Replica items were slowly replaced with original items and our uniforms were upgraded to Polish made exact replicas. Most wartime German weapons had been bought by this time as de-activated, dated and marked wartime originals.

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The Sections Own Enigma Machine.

German Transport.

Weapons used by German Forces.

Pistols used by German Forces.


Outside Displays at Bletchley Park.

Filming a Documentary.

Filming Marianne Hobbs Bikes.

Room 2. Faulkner House.

Room 3. Codebreaking Trail.

Room 4. The Bunker.

Commandants Birthday.

German Unit Personnel.

Meeting of the High Command.

Bletchley Park 2003.

Visiting Anti-tank Unit.

Vulcan Bomber Run Show.

Beltring 2003.

Enigma Weekend 2004.

Photo Shoot at Bletchley Park.

Female Radio Operators First Day.
