This part of the website is due to a resolution passed at the last Project X meeting where it was agreed we needed a place to sell unwanted civilian items and some of us with specialist military items required their own shop front. Some ground rules were laid down and appear here :


1. To place an item on a webpage, copy and paste the empty section after the last item to create another section. Place your photo and text in the top empty section leaving an empty section as the last one. Click save and upload via Filezilla.


2. No buying items to place on website. This is a disposals site for emptying shop stock, store rooms etc.


3. Ring central number if in doubt about anything. Whoever has the central mobile will be briefed about the system.


4. Place your initials somewhere in the listing so the central phone operator knows who to direct postal addresses and can tell finance where to send the money. Log your bank details with central finance.


TARGET : 20 items in each shop before the end of May.